Seasoned Pan Fried Chickpeas are easy to make in 15 minutes in a skillet. Serve them with your favorite side dishes, toss them in a salad, or enjoy as a high-protein snack.

You'll need a can of chickpeas, olive oil, garlic powder, smoked paprika, cumin, salt and pepper, and fresh lemon.

Or you can choose your own herbs and spices to make this recipe your own.

To make the Pan Fried Chickpeas, first toss the chickpeas with olive oil and seasonings.

Then add the mixture to a hot skillet and saute until crispy on the outside and heated through.

Squeeze lemon over the top and enjoy the Pan Fried Chickpeas hot or cold.

They are delicious in a Mediterranean green salad with red onions and olives.

Or serve them with rice or potatoes and roasted vegetables.